Rhinoplasty | Bony nose surgery

This category of people who are the bony part of their noses is more than cartilage part. This category usually has thin skin.In this category,the patients satisfaction with the outcome depend on the skill of the surgeon who can make this satisfaction by the appropriate technical tips.Undoubtedly, knowledge and experience and even personal taste of surgeon are very effective in these patients.

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This category of people who are the bony part of their noses is more than cartilage part. This category usually has thin skin.In this category,the patients satisfaction with the outcome depend on the skill of the surgeon who can make this satisfaction by the appropriate technical tips.Undoubtedly, knowledge and experience and even personal taste of surgeon are very effective in these patients.

Frequently Asked Questions

1- What kind of nose is mine?

The type of nose based on skin type,the ratio of cartilage part to bone and the strength of cartilage is divided into three parts of normal, bony and fleshy one swhich will be determined after the initial consultation.

2- Do I need to have nose surgery?

To answer this question should say that there are just 2 kinds of rhinoplasty.

  • The nose has some fundamental defections like severe deviation and abnormal shape ,that our suggestion is certainly surgery.
  • It is cosmetic surgery, in this case the person opinion, not his family or friends ,is important.

3- Does my nose get better by surgery?

To answer this question,should be stated explicitly ,this depends on who is doing your surgery and what is your idea about surgery?If it is done by a experienced surgeon, the nose will be certainly got better.

4- Is my nose corrected completely once?

It depends on the problem of your nose , the experience of surgeon,your skin type and your expectation .

5- Do I have breathing difficulty after surgery?

If you did not have any allergies or allergic polyps and surgical procedure was done properly, you would not have any problems.

6 -Will be my nostrils the same after surgery?

Most of the time the answer is positive but sometimes some slight differences are seen because of the stretch and strength ofthe muscles around the nose.

7 – Will I need to reconstructive surgery?

Depending on the current shape of your nose and surgical experience , its problems are resolved once 90-95%but even among the best surgeons and the world centers the possibility of the need to reconstructive surgery is 5-10%,this is 2-5% for Dr.Soufi Zadeh.

8-If I was operated by another surgeon,would Dr.SoufiZadeh accept my reconstructive surgery?

Dr.SoufiZadeh morally recommends you to go to your surgeon,but if you were not willing ,he would accept your reconstructive surgery.

Call to action


Consult a doctor Soofizadeh honest and society, often for half an hour will take this advice. Sufi born doctor to your concerns and expectations will listen expectations, and the ultimate goal is exactly the implementation is what you want to achieve from your surgery.

Call NUmber +9821-88205845 Or Contact Us